Episode 018: Female Friendships in ENM

Mommy Discusses Support, Finding Your People and “Zhuzhing”

This week, Elle and Vee chat with their friend “Mommy” about the importance of female friendships in CNM (consensual non-monogamy), including:

The importance of female friendships, and the differences between lifestyle and monogamous friendships. (1:22)

How does being sexual affect your friendships - female and male? (13:01)

Friends you’ve had from childhood vs friends you make in adulthood. (18:30)

What do you think when you think women in the lifestyle? (20:51)

“Girls’ girls” vs “guys’ girls”. (31:00)

Comparing ourselves to other women. (32:20)

Evolution of friendships: is there anyone who you originally didn’t vibe with who you’re good with now? (34:34)

How do you get over initial relationship anxiety? Putting in the time and work to create solid relationships. (39:32)

What can we as women do to support each other better in non-monogamous environments (sex parties, social mixers, lifestyle resorts, etc.)? (45:52)

Dealing with intimidation and self-comparison when meeting new women at mixers, sex parties and lifestyle resorts. (50:38)

Compersion when your partner is playing with your female friends. (59:19)

How has being non-monogamous affected mommy’s relationship with herself? (1:02:41)


Episode 019: Arousal Styles, FOMO, and Running Into Ex Lovers


Episode 017: Guys Gone Deep Chet on Approaching Women