Episode 017: Guys Gone Deep Chet on Approaching Women
Body Language: how can you figure out if someone is into you based on nonverbal signals? The importance of verbal communication. Should you ask for consent before touching someone (even non-sexually?
Episode 016: Guys Gone Deep Chet on Leaving Mormonism
This week, Elle and Vee talk with Chet, whose journey into the non-monogamous lifestyle is unique in that he was raised in the Church of Latter Day Saints (aka he was Mormon). He talks about everything from his upbringing to the challenges of approaching women.
Episode 013: What Does “Vanilla” Mean To Swingers?
After some thought-provoking conversations with monogamous (non-lifestyle) friends, Vee and Elle discuss what the word "vanilla" actually means to them, and pose the same question to a few of their CNM (consensually non-monogamous) friends at Hedonism II in Jamaica.