Episode 013: What Does “Vanilla” Mean To Swingers?

What did fellow “Hedo Swing Breakers” have to say?

After some thought-provoking conversations with monogamous (non-lifestyle) friends, Vee and Elle discuss what the word "vanilla" actually means to them, and pose the same question to a few of their CNM (consensually non-monogamous) friends at Hedonism II in Jamaica.

What does “vanilla” mean to Elle and Vee as people in the lifestyle? (2:07)

What is “spicy vanilla”? (7:24)

Are we meant to be monogamous? (11:49)

Using "vanilla" to describe career choices. (13:58)

Offending monogamous friends with the use of "vanilla". (16:56)

Polling ENM (ethically non-monogamous) friends at Hedonism on what "vanilla" means to them:

  • The Builder (20:18)

  • The Magician and Nikki (21:44)

  • Chet (26:10)

  • Slutlana69 (29:14) 

  • Josh (30:55)

  • Chantelle (33:10)


Episode 014: Hedonism Swing Breakers


Episode 012: Guys Gone Deep